Where New Revenue Leaders Should Focus Their Energy

Stepping into a revenue leadership role can feel like walking a tightrope. You're eager to make your mark but cautious about stepping on toes.

So, where should you focus your energy to balance these dynamics effectively?

Today, we turn to George Eliopoulos, Chief Commercial Officer at Zip Co, to provide insight into this critical question.

Step-by-Step Guide to Determine What That Revenue Engine Should Look Like

Becoming a new revenue leader is both exciting and daunting. From navigating team dynamics to aligning strategies, your decision in the initial months will set the tone for the rest of your tenure.

George highlights that you're only new once, so leveraging this period is vital.

“They brought you in because you're experienced. You know what you're doing. They trust you and they expect you to have some modification or revision of the plan.”

But where do you start?

Let's find out.

1. Evaluate and Strategize for Success in 90 Days

In your first three months, adopt a detective's mindset. Dive deep into the existing team structure, processes, and culture.

This period is not about making immediate changes; it's about understanding the business dynamics, existing customer relationships, and potential revenue opportunities.

“Your goal is different now. Your job is different. You're thinking long-term. So that requires a patient evaluation of what we need to do to hit those longer-term goals.”
  • Listen and Learn: Engage in conversations with your team, stakeholders, and customers. Understand their pain points and successes.
  • Review Existing Data: Look at sales reports, customer feedback, and market analysis to gain a clear picture of current performance.
  • Set the Groundwork for Long-Term Goals: Identify where immediate revenue needs intersect with strategic opportunities for future growth.

Once you have a solid understanding, start to craft a strategy that balances short-term wins with long-term goals.

This dual focus ensures that you're meeting immediate revenue targets while laying the foundation for sustainable growth.

2. Unleash Team Strengths by Embracing Vulnerability

One of the most important things you can do in your new role is to create a culture where team members feel safe to express their strengths and areas for improvement.

“George suggests leading by example: Change won't always be assimilated by everybody quite the same way. And it won't always be beneficial. But it's gonna happen. It is inequitable. In fact, you represent change. Often, if you're new to the role, you're literally the embodiment of it. It can be scary for folks. So how do you take down those barriers?”
  • Admit Vulnerabilities: Share your learning curve and challenges with the team to encourage others to do the same.
  • Inspire Honest Dialogue: Facilitate discussions about what team members enjoy and where they need support. This helps in identifying latent strengths and potential areas for development.
  • Build Trust Through Action: Use the feedback to make meaningful changes that address team concerns and leverage their strengths.

3. Boost Sales by Polishing, Not Overhauling

Before you consider overhauling sales methodologies, focus on refinement. Building on what already works can deliver better results than starting from scratch.

If you have the chance to bring in a sales methodology and you have the chance to bring in, for example, your product and your marketing folks and maybe other teams, well, now you have a chance for the whole org to speak the same language, use the same terminology.”
  • Consistency is Key: Align your sales strategies with existing practices to enhance their effectiveness.
  • Cross-Functional Collaboration: Engage with marketing, product, and other teams to ensure a unified approach to customer engagement.
  • Leverage Existing Tools: Use the tools and systems already in place, optimizing them for better performance rather than replacing them.

4. Commit to Leadership and Drive Change

“If you're the manager above, you need to make sure you're involved and make it as much part of the process.”

Leadership commitment can make or break new initiatives. As George underscores, the presence and active participation of leaders signal commitment and earn respect.

  • Champion Growth: Actively support new ideas and changes, showcasing confidence and enthusiasm.
  • Address Resistance: Recognize that not everyone will embrace change equally. Work with those who are hesitant, addressing their concerns and involving them in the process.
  • Set the Tone: Your attitude toward change influences your team. By staying positive and engaged, you encourage others to do the same.

As a new revenue leader, your ability to evaluate, strategize, and refine existing processes while fostering open communication and demonstrating commitment is critical.

George's insights remind us that success lies in balancing immediate needs with long-term goals, harnessing team strengths, and leading by example.

Remember, your "new leader" status is fleeting. Use it wisely to set a solid foundation for your revenue team's future success.

Now that you know where to focus your energy as a new revenue leader, discover the full list of episodes at The B2B Revenue Executive Experience. If you enjoy the show, instructions to rate and review it are found here.

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