Voice of Value Blog

From the CEO's Desk In the Voice of Value blog, President & CEO Julie Thomas covers the latest B2B selling trends alongside proven ValueSelling concepts.

Chasing Sales Efficiency Won’t Make You More Effective

Generating reliable, top-of-funnel activity is notoriously difficult these days, not to mention expensive and time-consuming. After all, your outreach must be hyper-personalized, timely and add value to the potential buyer. We all agree on this – at least, in principle.

Chasing Sales Efficiency Won’t Make You More Effective

Generating reliable, top-of-funnel activity is notoriously difficult these days, not to mention expensive and time-consuming. After all, your outreach must be hyper-personalized, timely and add value to the potential buyer. We all agree on this – at least, in principle

5 Keys to Closing Sales Before the End of the Year

The understatement of the year? Selling in 2022 has been difficult.As we look to the end of Q4, external factors continue to play havoc with our ability to win new business. From the lingering effects of the pandemic to supply chain disruptions to continued inflation, we’re fighting an unpredictable economic environment – and yet, there are reasons to be hopeful.

5 Keys to Closing Sales Before the End of the Year

The understatement of the year? Selling in 2022 has been difficult. As we look to the end of Q4, external factors continue to play havoc with our ability to win new business. From the lingering effects of the pandemic to supply chain disruptions to continued inflation, we’re fighting an unpredictable economic environment – and yet, there are reasons to be hopeful.

5 Ways to Negotiate a Win-Win

Early in my sales career, my company hired a phenomenal negotiator to put us through a rigorous one-day training.

5 Ways to Negotiate a Win-Win

Early in my sales career, my company hired a phenomenal negotiator to put us through a rigorous one-day training. We learned how to focus on the other individual, generate a feeling of safety, use their language to increase rapport, and tactics for isolating and overcoming obstacles

4 Ways to Jump-Start Renewal Sales

The understatement of the year? Selling in 2022 has been difficult.As we look to the end of Q4, external factors continue to play havoc with our ability to win new business. From the lingering effects of the pandemic to supply chain disruptions to continued inflation, we’re fighting an unpredictable economic environment – and yet, there are reasons to be hopeful.

How Salespeople Can Ask the Right Questions During Discovery

I attended the Sales 3.0 Conference in Philly last week, where many of the talks had a shocking theme running through them: Discovery is dead. The premise was that buyers hate it. They view sales discovery calls as an annoyance — a roadblock to the demos and nuanced answers they crave from vendors.

How to Continually Qualify Prospects Throughout the Pipeline

Accurate and reliable forecasting will transform a sales organization. When it comes to a process as vital as this, you would assume there’s no room for guesswork — but the reality plays out differently:

How to Create a Multi-Channel Prospecting Cadence that Works

You’re scrolling through your LinkedIn feed when you receive a request to connect from an account executive. They recently saw you speak at a sales conference, and your talk resonated with them — seems harmless enough.

How to Create a Multi-Channel Prospecting Cadence that Works

You’re scrolling through your LinkedIn feed when you receive a request to connect from an account executive. They recently saw you speak at a sales conference, and your talk resonated with them — seems harmless enough.

Three Ways to Create Human-to-Human Connection in a Virtual Selling Environment

Think back to the last time you shared a meal with a good friend. You likely recall the restaurant and the food, the little sensory details like the man smoking the cigar across the street or the squawking birds in the background.

Your Guide To Powerful Sales Prospecting

The Guide To Powerful Sales Prospecting is the definitive source for up-to-date sales prospecting techniques and best practices.

The Ultimate Sales Coaching Guide

There is a cause-and-effect relationship between developing your people and your sales results. Sales coaching is all about looking forward and developing your people to increase their performance, and it’s growing in importance. High-revenue growth companies invest more in coaching and get better results than lower revenue growth companies. Learn all about Sales Coaching and why it’s a must have for any organization.

The Secrets to Post-Pandemic Selling

GUEST: Cherilynn Castleman, Managing Partner at CGI Executive Coaching and author of “What’s in the CARDS?”

Your Guide To Impactful Virtual Selling

This guide covers virtual selling best practices: You’ll learn how to authentically connect with decision-makers, hold a prospect’s attention, build a powerful business case for the value provided by your solution in real time, and move deals to close.

The Essential Guide to Value-based Sales Training

Research by LinkedIn revealed that while 65% of salespeople (and 72% of top performers) say they always put the buyer first, only 23% of buyers agree. That’s a serious discrepancy — what’s to blame for the mismatch? The single biggest roadblock to implementing a truly buyer-first approach: “Lack of the right skillset among existing sales talent.” The solution is obvious: Sales training that embodies the five principles of the buyer-first mindset — a value-based approach to sales training that creates customer-obsessed sellers who forge long-term relationships. Luckily, that’s what this guide is all about. In it, we’ll cover the fundamentals of value-based selling and how to build a customized sales training program, drive adoption and measure its impact.

Three Ways to Show Up as Your Authentic Self

How do I be me virtually?Sure, if you’re a remote worker who has one weekly stand-up on Zoom, you may be tempted to laugh that question off. For sales professionals, it’s another story.

Three Ways to Show Up as Your Authentic Self

How do I be me virtually? Sure, if you’re a remote worker who has one weekly stand-up on Zoom, you may be tempted to laugh that question off. For sales professionals, it’s another story.

The 3 Keys to Reach Your Prospects: Trust, Credibility and Rapport

What better way to kick off winter in the northern hemisphere than with something a little tropical? Specifically, a tropical thought experiment. Now, I know it’s not as exciting as the giveaway for an all-expenses-paid trip to some exotic locale that you were hoping for — but stick with me.

Checklist to Close the Quarter & the Year

’Tis the season of the double-edged sword. On the one hand, it’s exciting to look forward to the holiday season. On the other, the end of the quarter and the year loom large, with the finish line already in sight.

Three Keys to Successful Sales Negotiations

When you hear the word negotiation, what comes to mind? It likely conjures images of your CRM, a ring light shining in your eyes, a giant cup of cold brew and a computer monitor covered in sticky notes. Your palms might even start to sweat a little at the thought — and that’s only natural.

The Value of Thinking Like an Executive

As many of you know, our headquarters is in Southern California — an area famed for its breathtaking coastline, beautiful beaches, fantastic restaurants and traffic, lots of it.

Creating Anxiety Without Going Over the Edge

The pressure on Olympic athletes is staggering. One false start can send a sprinter or hurdler home. That’s all it takes to destroy more than four years of labor and dedication — and yet, these incredible athletes come back after another four years of hard work.

O-P-C: The Framework for Asking Thoughtful Questions

Pitchverb; gerund or present participle: pitchingto throw or fling roughly or casually."He crumpled the can and threw it into the alley."By definition, “pitching" is done without care and often ends with a lackluster result. While the definition we use in sales may be more targeted, the outcome is the same.

O-P-C: The Framework for Asking Thoughtful Questions

Pitch verb; gerund or present participle: pitching to throw or fling roughly or casually. “He crumpled the can and threw it into the alley.” By definition, “pitching” is done without care and often ends with a lackluster result. While the definition we use in sales may be more targeted, the outcome is the same.

Mastering the Art of Virtual Selling

GUEST: Darrell Amy, Author of the Best-Selling Book, Revenue Growth Engine: How to Align Sales and Marketing to Accelerate Growth
Power of ValueSelling Book.

The Power of Value Selling is now available.

The indispensable guide to forging human-to-human connections, having better business conversations and building buyer confidence – the crucial ingredients to closing sales despite unrelenting uncertainty.
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